OTEM 2011

5th Workshop on Optoelectronic Techniques for Environmental Monitoring

28-30 September 2011
Romanian Atmospheric Observatory
Magurele, Ilfov


This year the conference focuses on:

  • Sensors and Instrumentation (in situ, laboratory and remote sensing). Satellite Imagery.
  • Modeling and Analysis Tools.
  • Facilities and Network Observations.
  • Hazard and Risk Assessment.

Registration, abstracts and papers submission can be done using the on-line registration tool.

Authors are invited to submit an abstract related to one of the workshop topics. You can also choose for oral or poster presentation.

The abstract will be reviewed by scientific committee and you will be notified of the final decision after July 1st, 2011. You will receive a personal password to further submit the extended paper.

Extended paper (max. 8 pages, formatted in Proceedings template) should be submitted before August 15, 2011 in order to be included in Conference Proceedings.

After the conference, selected papers will be sent for review and publication in EEMJ.


The abstract can be up to 150 words, containing authors original work.


Papers must be structured on the following chapters:



1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Results and Discussions

4. Conclusions



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